About tfnp

About TechforNonProfits

The first TFNP blog entry was almost 20 years ago…when blogs were the latest thing, and Blogger was a new application.

Our original manifesto was

Nonprofit and NGO’s have the same technology needs as for-profit companies. Here are some ideas for things that work and a few lamentations for things that don’t.

I still believe that’s a pretty good summary for a blog about non-profit technology. The major differences, (sometimes) are scale, and cost. Seldom are IT and technology a profit center or an income-producing department. We always have major concerns over cost and practicability. In any comparisons, cheap or free will often win out over expensive,  and ease-of-use will win out over complexity.

About Lawrence (Larry) Keyes

lk_headshot_fall15I’m an experienced DBA and network manager, having worked with a boatload of programming languages and technologies as an employee and consultant for non-profits, government, education and healthcare.

As a grantwriter, I enjoy the thrill of the chase, and the opportunities for collaboration and teamwork that good grantwriting demands. I’ve applied for and received grants on behalf of economic development and arts organizations from local, state and foundation funders, as well as major grants from the (U.S.) National Institutes of Health for healthcare research.

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/larrykeyes

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